Preacher on screen....? I have so many mixed emotions about that one.
After a while with no updates on the progress of the (possibly) upcoming film adaptation of the Preacher comic, news has dropped that Sam Mendes (American Beauty) severed his loose attachment to the project to direct the next installment in the Bond franchise. This is disappointing considering his history of directing good stuff and his experience with adapting graphic novels into movies, i.e. Road to Perdition.
This might slow the already snail's paced project down even more, but that may not be such a bad thing. For anyone who's read Preacher, you know that it is a tough project to adapt to the big screen.
Every issue of the comic created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon is riddled with raunchy, vulgar, violent awesomeness. It's fun stuff to read. But, some of that shit is nuts, I dare say too nuts to be a success in theaters. A man with a head that looks like a penis, a kid whose face looked like an ass-hole, and a retarded descendant of Jesus Christ himself are just a few of the series' more charming elements. It is tough to say that it would do well at the box office...
But, that's assuming that they wouldn't try to nerf the deuce out of it for a PG-13 rating, which would be a travesty. Doing justice to the source material should be a top concern of any party trying to adapt a comic or book to film. I have mixed feelings about how Watchmen was handled, but in general if your a writer or director and you think you might feel inclined to shit all over the source material that has already been worked hard on and laid out for you, you should probably just leave it alone.
An HBO series would be great. Those premium cable channels are getting more lurid all the time with their original programming. It would be much easier to fit all the material into a series anyway—how else would the Tale of Arsface be adequately told? I think keeping it off the big screen is the best way to go.
After a while with no updates on the progress of the (possibly) upcoming film adaptation of the Preacher comic, news has dropped that Sam Mendes (American Beauty) severed his loose attachment to the project to direct the next installment in the Bond franchise. This is disappointing considering his history of directing good stuff and his experience with adapting graphic novels into movies, i.e. Road to Perdition.
This might slow the already snail's paced project down even more, but that may not be such a bad thing. For anyone who's read Preacher, you know that it is a tough project to adapt to the big screen.
Every issue of the comic created by Garth Ennis and Steve Dillon is riddled with raunchy, vulgar, violent awesomeness. It's fun stuff to read. But, some of that shit is nuts, I dare say too nuts to be a success in theaters. A man with a head that looks like a penis, a kid whose face looked like an ass-hole, and a retarded descendant of Jesus Christ himself are just a few of the series' more charming elements. It is tough to say that it would do well at the box office...
But, that's assuming that they wouldn't try to nerf the deuce out of it for a PG-13 rating, which would be a travesty. Doing justice to the source material should be a top concern of any party trying to adapt a comic or book to film. I have mixed feelings about how Watchmen was handled, but in general if your a writer or director and you think you might feel inclined to shit all over the source material that has already been worked hard on and laid out for you, you should probably just leave it alone.
An HBO series would be great. Those premium cable channels are getting more lurid all the time with their original programming. It would be much easier to fit all the material into a series anyway—how else would the Tale of Arsface be adequately told? I think keeping it off the big screen is the best way to go.